Drag and Spruce Lakes Executive is announcing a new initiative, “Get The Lead Out” of our lakes and help our precious Loon, bird and aquatic populations. Loons are an iconic symbol of pristine wilderness lakes, where their haunting calls stir something deep within us. Loons face many survival challenges, including those created by human activity.
Currently 21 Lake Associations have undertaken a similar initiative with Ontario’s Wolfe Lake Association spearheading the overall program.
The goals of our 2025 Campaign:
- Increase awareness among Drag and Spruce Lake residents and visitors about:
- The danger to wildlife, and especially to Loons, of using fishing tackle containing lead
- Alternative fishing tackle that is available
- Offer anglers an incentive to switch from lead tackle to lead-free alternatives
- Collect as much lead as possible to keep it out of the environment
- Raise awareness via the Municipality of Dysart et Al Council and encourage other local Lake Associations to Fish Lead-Free
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